正见(节译自《以善巧业为依止》) [作者] 坦尼沙罗尊者 [中译]良稹 Karma by Ven. Thanissaro Bhikkhu 正见的教导 经文告诉我们,佛陀觉醒后,在头七周里体验着那种喜乐与自由。...审视你正在作什么
[中译]良稹Watch What You're Doing by Ven. Thanissaro Bhikkhu “日日夜夜,飞驰而过,飞驰而过,我现在正在作什么?” 佛陀要你每天问那个问题,既为了防止自满,也为了提醒自己这场修持...定的三层次
定的三层次[作者]坦尼沙罗尊者 [中译]良稹 Three Levels of Concentration by Ven. Thanissaro Bhikkhu 阿姜苏瓦特曾经常说,入定就像入睡——只不过你不睡着。那就是需要窍门的地方。换句话...戒律的疗愈力
护卫禅[作者]坦尼沙罗尊者 [中译]良稹 Guardian Meditations by Ven. Thanissaro Bhikkhu 如果你曾经打开一本书查阅十二因缘,你的第一反应也许是把书合上,因为这个题目太复杂了。不过实...布施先行
译者:梁国雄居士 版权声明(2)...浴于气中
[中译]良稹Bathed in the Breath by Ven. Thanissaro Bhikkhu When there’s a Dhamma talk, you don’t have to listen. The important thing is to stay with your breath. When the breath comes in, you know it’s coming in; when i...归依
归依[作者]坦尼沙罗尊者 [中译]良稹 Going for Refuge by Ven. Thanissaro Bhikkhu The act of going for refuge marks the point where one commits oneself to taking the Dhamma, or the Buddha's teaching, as the primary g...慈悲的教育
[中译]良稹 Educating Compassion by Ven. Thanissaro Bhikkhu 你若有亲友罹病或不久于世,我识得的人士中,当无人劝你寡情处之。人人同意,你应尽慈悲之心。问题是,如何把慈悲转为具体行...版权所有:心经原文网